About me

If there was no nature, the earth would stop existing.

I have always been drawn to nature, regardless if it is a deep forest or just a tree in my back yard. I am convinced that nature speaks to us, if only we choose to listen. My interest in photos started when I was a child, looking at photos from times gone by. A photography can put us in that moment, in that spot, right then.

I believe that pictures can bring back memories and also create new ones.

My own photography has evolved over the years. From the beginning I borrowed my parents camera with a film roll and patiently waited for the development at the store down-town. Today I enjoy all the possibilities offered by a digital camera. I am mainly an autodidact artist, but have taken a shorter class in picture composition that gave me some aha moments. I have been learning by doing and finding inspiration in my fellow photographers.

I always try to bring my camera on trips, and I love taking small trips in my garden using my macro   objective that opens up a brand new world.    

My pictures are often packed with color and I love it when they are a bit mystic. Lately I have been experimenting in black and white prints.

I was born and raised in beautiful Skellefteå, Västerbotten, and moved at 21 to live in Europe for a few years before I settled in the Småland soil. For many years now I live in the south of Småland with its beautiful beech woods and wonderful surroundings. A beautiful part of the world.


If you would like to get in touch with me about my pictures, please send an email to: hobbe30@hotmail.com.

I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Welcome to my Instagram page @hela_dio_photo